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08:30 |
Opening session
Chairman: Filiberto Bilotti
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09:30 |
Plenary talk: George V. Eleftheriades - Microwave metamaterials and applications: current status of the experimental and theoretical developments
Chairmen: Sergei Tretyakov, Alex Schuchinsky
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10:30 |
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11:00 |
Plenary talk: Vladimir M. Shalaev - Optical metamaterials and applications: current status of the experimental and theoretical developments
Chairmen: Sergei Tretyakov, Alex Schuchinsky
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12:00 |
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12:30 |
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13:30 |
Sessions 1
Focused session: Optical and microwave sensing, imaging and photolithography:
Chairman: Anatoly Zayats
13:30 -
E. Ozbay - Negative refraction, subwavelength focusing and beam formation using photonic crystals (invited)
14:00 -
V.A. Podolskiy, A.A. Govyadinov - Diffraction and dispersion management in active nanoplasmonic metamaterials (invited)
14:30 -
P. Alitalo, C.R. Simovski, L. Jylha, A.J. Viitanen, S.A. Tretyakov - Subwavelength imaging in the visible using a pair of arrays of metal nanoparticles (invited)
15:00 -
F. Keilmann - Infrared-to-THz spectroscopic near-field imaging of materials and metamaterials (invited)
15:30 -
J. Schilling - Uniaxial metallo-dielectric metamaterials with isotropic positive permeability
15:45 -
T. Taubner, M.L. Brongersma, C. Fietz, Y. Urzhumov, D. Korobkin, G. Shvets, R. Hillenbrand - Imaging process in superlens-based mid-infrared near-field microscopy
Focused session: Localization and channelling of light and microwave radiation:
Chairman: Mark Stockman
13:30 -
S.A. Maier - Plasmonics throughout the spectrum: Sub-wavelength energy confinement for waveguiding, spectroscopy and sensing (invited)
14:00 -
F.J.G. de Abajo, R. Sainidou, T.V. Teperik, M. Dennis, N.I. Zheludev - Light confinement at interfaces and Talbot effects in surface modes of various systems (invited)
14:30 -
G. Samelsohn - Localization, diffusion, and time reversal in anisotropic structures
14:45 -
Z.M. Zhang, B.J. Lee, Y.-B. Chen - Experimental demonstration of surface wave excitation between a truncated photonic crystal and a metal (invited)
15:15 -
M. Stockman - Nanoplasmonics: generation and control of nanoscale optical fields (invited)
15:45 -
E. Semouchkina, Y. Miyamoto, G. Semouchkin, S. Kirihara, M. Lanagan - FDTD study of resonance phenomena at electromagnetic wave localization in 3D dielectric fractal and modified structures
Tunable and active metamaterials and surfaces:
Chairmen: Irina Vendik, Igor Nefedov
13:30 -
S. Gevorgian, D. Kuylenstierna, A. Vorobiev - 1D and 2D tuneable metamaterials based on ferroelectric varactors (invited)
14:00 -
R.R.A. Syms, L. Solymar, I.R. Young - Parametrically amplified magneto-inductive ring resonators
14:15 -
L. Jylha, A. Sihvola - Tunability of ferroelectric-polymer composite
14:30 -
G. Houzet, A. Marteau, G. Velu, E. Lheurette, L. Burgnies, J.C. Carru, D. Lippens - Voltage-controlled composite metamaterials via the loaded transmission line approach
14:45 -
S.A. Cummer, B.-I. Popa, T.H. Hand - Design and measurements of active RF metamaterials
15:00 -
A. Velez, J. Bonache, F. Martin - Tunable metamaterial transmission lines based on complementary split rings resonators (CSRRs)
15:15 -
R. Sainidou, F.J.G. de Abajo - Nanoparticles in microcavities as all-optical tunable systems
15:30 -
K. Aydin, E. Ozbay - Tunable spit ring resonators at microwave frequencies
15:45 -
D. Huang, R. Liu, N.N. Wan, T.J. Cui, D.R. Smith - Analytic theory for active circuit metamaterials and applications in evanescent-wave amplification
Fabrication and processing of metamaterials and artificial electromagnetic surfaces:
Chairman: Richard Ziolkowski
13:30 -
K.W. Whites, T. Amert, K. Kirschenmann, S.M. Woessner - Monolithic fabrication of multi-material artificial electromagnetic surfaces and devices (invited)
14:00 -
Y. Chen, B.-R. Lu, S.-Q. Xie, Y. Sun, X.-P. Qu, R. Liu - Novel nanolithography for large area photonic gratings and metamaterials (invited)
14:30 -
N. Liu, H. Guo, L. Fu, H. Schweizer, H. Giessen - Stacking of split-ring resonator metamaterials in the optical regime
14:45 -
D.A. Pawlak, K. Kolodziejak, S. Turczynski, K. Rozniatowski, J. Kisielewski, B. Andrzejewski, T. Klimczuk - Metamaterials and photonic crystals – potential applications for self-organized eutectic micro- and nanostructures
15:00 -
M.C. Martin, Z. Hao, B. Harteneck, A. Liddle, S. Cabrini, W. Padilla - Strong broadband near-IR resonances observed from nano-lithographically fabricated metallic metamaterials
15:15 -
E.V. Naumova, V.Ya. Prinz, V.A. Seleznev, S.V. Golod, R.A. Soots, V.V. Kubarev, B.A. Knyazev, G.N. Kulipanov, N.A. Vinokurov - Fabrication of metamaterials on the basis of precise micro- and nanoshells
15:30 -
V. Ovchinnikov - Properties of multilayer plasmonic metamaterials fabricated by ion-beam mixing and conformal deposition
15:45 -
D.P. Korfiatis, K.-A. Th. Thoma, J.C. Vardaxoglou - Ultrafast laser micromachining of silicon surfaces
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16:00 |
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16:30 |
Sessions 2
Microwave devices:
Chairmen: Ferran Martin, Doug Werner
16:30 -
I. Vendik, O. Vendik, D. Kholodniak, P. Kapitanova - Design of miniature microwave devices based on a combination of natural right-handed and metamaterial left-handed transmission lines (invited)
17:00 -
D. Kholodnyak, P. Kapitanova, I. Vendik - Design of directional couplers using fully-integrated left-handed transmission lines
17:15 -
B. Jokanovic, L. Trifunovic, V. Crnojevic-Bengin - Novel left-handed unit cells for filter applications
17:30 -
A.J. Viitanen, I.S. Nefedov - Guided wave properties in Lorentz type resonant layer structures
17:45 -
M. Schuessler, C. Damm, R. Jakoby - Periodically LC loaded lines for RFID backscatter applications
18:00 -
I.A. Ibraheem, M. Koch - Coplanar waveguide incorporating complementary split ring resonators
18:15 -
O. Isik, K.P. Esselle, Y. Ge - Archimedean spiral resonators for super compact metamaterial filter design
Optical properties of metamaterials:
Chairmen: F. Javier G. de Abajo, Stefan Maier
16:30 -
M. Kociak, J. Nelayah, O. Stephan, M. Couillard, R.A. de la Concha, M. Tence, D. Taverna, L. Henrard, F.J.G. de Abajo, C. Colliex - Mapping electron excitations in the visible-UV range using sub-nm resolved STEM-EELS spectrum imaging (invited)
17:00 -
N.P. Johnson, B. Lahiri, D.A. Pawlak, S. Turczynski, K. Kolodziejak - Reflectance measurements of self-organized microstructure of Tb3Sc2Al3O12-TbScO3 eutectic (invited)
17:30 -
W. Cai, U.K. Chettiar, H.-K. Yuan, V.P. Drachev, A.V. Kildishev, V.M. Shalaev, A. Boltasseva - Experimental observation of negative magnetic response in the visible spectral range
17:45 -
P. Banzer, S. Quabis, G. Leuchs, U. Peschel - Experimental investigation of magnetic and electric resonances of single nano structures in the optical domain
18:00 -
A.A. Asatryan, L.C. Botten, M.A. Byrne, V.D. Freilikher, S.A. Gredeskul, R.C. McPhedran, I.V. Shadrivov, Y.S. Kivshar - Anderson localization in the presence of metamaterials
18:15 -
T.P. Meyrath, T. Zentgraf, H. Giessen - Circuit model for optical metamaterials: studies at the border between electronics and optics
Plasmonics (I):
Chairmen: Vladimir Shalaev, Mark Brongersma
16:30 -
Y. Fainman - Metamaterials for information systems (invited)
17:00 -
H. Jiang, J. Zhang, B. Gralak, M. Cathelinaud, G. Tayeb, M. Lequime, S. Enoch - Towards sub-wavelength resolution using transparent metal-dielectric stacks (invited)
17:30 -
T.V. Teperik, F.J.G. de Abajo, V.V. Popov, M.S. Shur - Tunable terahertz absorption bands in a scaled plasmonic crystal
17:45 -
I. Romero, T. Teperik, F.J.G. de Abajo - Plasmons in coupled voids
EBG and photonic crystals (I):
Chairmen: Francesco Chiadini, Christophe Craeye
16:30 -
A.P. Vinogradov, M. A. Merzlikin, A. V. Dorofeenko, M. Inoue, A. A. Lisyansky - Peculiar feature of photonic crystals containing anisotropic and gyrotropic ingredients (invited)
17:00 -
V. Dmitriev - FCC magnetic photonic crystals: symmetry analysis
17:15 -
M.Yu. Barabanenkov, Yu.N. Barabanenkov - Threadlike small filling factor 2D photonic structures
17:30 -
C.-S. Kee, S. Kim, J. Lee, J.-E. Kim, H.Y. Park - Novel properties of six-fold symmetric photonic quasi-crystal fibers
17:45 -
V. Mocella, S. Cabrini, D. Olynick, B. Harteneck, S. Dhuey, P. Dardano, L. Moretti, I. Rendina - Optical properties of zero-average refractive index photonic crystal heterostructure
18:00 -
V.S. Gorelik - Secondary emission of globular photonic crystals
18:15 -
S.G. Romanov, M. Bardosova, I.M. Povey, M. Pemble, C.M. Sotomayor Torres - Photonic crystals and hetero-crystals of mixed dimensionality from Langmuir-Blodgett colloidal multilayers
N | Time | Description |
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08:30 |
Sessions 3
Special session: Quasicrystals (I):
Chairmen: Stefan Enoch, Vincenzo Galdi, Filippo Capolino
08:30 -
E. Di Gennaro, C. Miletto, S. Savo, A. Andreone, D. Morello, G. Castaldi, V. Galdi, V. Pierro - A parametric study of negative refraction and superlensing in 12-fold symmetric photonic quasicrystals (invited)
09:00 -
C.T. Chan - Quasi-crystal-like electromagnetic structures (invited)
09:30 -
D.N. Chigrin, A.V. Lavrinenko - Properties of octagonal quasi-crystals and their photonic applications (invited)
10:00 -
A. Della Villa, F. Capolino, V. Galdi, S. Enoch, V. Pierro, G. Tayeb - Analysis of modal propagation in slabs of photonic quasicrystals with Penrose-type lattice
Electromagnetic theory:
Chairmen: Ari Sihvola, Femke Olyslager
08:30 -
L. Solymar - 100 years of backward wave (invited)
09:00 -
V.G. Veselago - Light pressure in negative refraction materials (invited)
09:30 -
I.V. Lindell - Class of self-dual media (invited)
10:00 -
M.W. McCall - Covariance, negative refraction and dispersion
10:15 -
M.A. Ribeiro, C.R. Paiva - An equivalence principle for electrodynamics using geometric algebra
Metamaterials and antennas (I):
Chairmen: Filiberto Bilotti, Isabelle Huynen
08:30 -
D.H. Lee, A. Chauraya, J.A Flint, W.S. Park, J.C. Vardaxoglou - Reconfigurable metamaterial peano antenna (invited)
09:00 -
E. Saenz, R. Gonzalo, I. Ederra, P. Ikonen, S. Tretyakov, P. de Maagt - Modeling and measurements of a planar meta-surface based on grids of short dipoles and wires
09:15 -
A. Ourir, S.N. Burokur, A. de Lustrac - Active variable phase metamaterial cavity for directive antenna
09:30 -
S. Zhu, R. Langley - Dual band antennas on an EBG substrate
09:45 -
D. Bonefacic, S. Hrabar, D. Kvakan - Some considerations on radiation properties of antennas embedded into low-permittivity metamaterial
10:00 -
A. Ali, Z. Hu - Ultra wide band pass filter with frequency notch characteristic
10:15 -
R. Cret, E. Simion, M. Plesa, D.D. Micu - Numerical modelling of non-homogenous dielectrics with very different permittivities of components
Plasmonics (II):
Chairmen: Nader Engheta, Viktor Podolskiy
08:30 -
M.L. Brongersma, E. Bernard, A. Chandran, P. van Dorpe, Y. Chul, Jun, J. Liu, R. Pala, J.A. Schuller, J. White, T. Taubner, R. Zia - Plasmonics – the missing link between nanoelectronics and microphotonics (invited)
09:00 -
H.A. Atwater, H.J. Lezec, J.A. Dionne, C.E. Ross, L.A. Sweatlock, D. Pacifici, K. Diest, M. Dicken, V. Ferry - Active plasmonic structures and metamaterials (invited)
09:30 -
J. McVay, N. Engheta, A. Hoorfar - Three-dimensional Hilbert structures as compact resonant plasmonic elements in laterally-confined transmission lines at microwave frequencies (invited)
10:00 -
V. Myroshnychenko, F.J.G. de Abajo - Numerical simulation of electron energy loss in complex metallic nanoparticles
10:15 -
H. Guo, N. Liu, T. Zentgraf, T. Meyrath, L. Fu, H. Schweizer, H. Giessen - Optical properties of bowtie slot antenna metamaterials
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10:30 |
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11:00 |
Sessions 4
Special session: Quasicrystals (II):
Chairmen: Stefan Enoch, Vincenzo Galdi, and Filippo Capolino
11:00 -
M. Notomi, H. Suzuki, T. Tamamura, K. Edagawa - Photonic quasicrystal distributed feedback lasers: lasing action due to quasiperiodicity (invited)
11:30 -
X. Zhang, Z. Feng, Y.-Q. Wang, Z. Li, B. Cheng, D.-Z. Zhang - Negative refraction and focusing of wave through high-symmetry quasicrystals (invited)
12:00 -
F.M. Huang, A. Schwaneke, P. Papasimakis, Y. Chen, F.J.G. de Abajo, N.I. Zheludev - Far-field subwavelength focusing and extraordinary transmission of light by a quasi-periodic array of nanoholes (invited)
Chirality and handedness:
Chairmen: Ismo Lindell, Ahmad Hoorfar
11:00 -
C.W. Qiu, S. Zouhdi, S. Tretyakov, L.-W. Li - Possibilities for chiral nihility to achieve negative-index materials (invited)
11:30 -
R. Marques, F. Mesa, L. Jelinek, J.D. Baena - Balanced right/left-handed mixtures of quasi-planar chiral inclusions
11:45 -
I.V. Semchenko, S.A. Khakhomov, S.A. Tretyakov - Chiral metamaterial with unit negative refraction index
12:00 -
K. Takano, T. Fujii, T. Nagashima, M. Tani, M. Hangyo, H. Miyazaki - Strong optical activity in metal screw arrays
12:15 -
J.R. Canto, C.R. Paiva, A.M. Barbosa - Bloch waves with negative phase velocity in multilayered structures containing uniaxial chiral media
Metamaterials and antennas (II):
Chairmen: Yiannis Vardaxoglou, David Jackson
11:00 -
J.R. Kelly, T. Kokkinos, A.P. Feresidis - Modelling and design of sub-wavelength metamaterial resonant cavity antennas
11:15 -
T.-H. Vu, K. Mahdjoubi, A.-C. Tarot, S. Collardey - Optimisation of EBG antennas with a combined PRS
11:30 -
A. Erentok, R.W. Ziolkowski - Metamaterial-inspired efficient electrically-small antennas: Designs and experiments of 2D and 3D electric and magnetic versions
11:45 -
I.K. Kim, V.V. Varadan - Millimeter wave dual-band microstrip antennas with metamaterial substrates using the LTCC process
12:00 -
T.-H. Vu, K. Mahdjoubi, S. Collardey, A.-C. Tarot - Prediction of the input impedance of primary sources placed inside FP and EBG antennas
Negative material parameters:
Chairmen: Ari Viitanen, Mario Silveirinha
11:00 -
M. Kafesaki, E.N. Economou, N. Katsarakis, I. Tsiapa, S. Foteinopoulou, C.M. Soukoulis, T. Koschny - Left-handed metamaterial designs in microwave and infrared frequencies (invited)
11:30 -
H. Wallen, H. Kettunen, A. Sihvola - Electrostatic resonances of negative-permittivity interfaces, spheres and wedges
11:45 -
A.K. Popov, S.A. Myslivets, T.F. George, V.M. Shalaev - Tailoring transparency of negative-index metamaterials with parametric amplification
12:00 -
S. Hrabar, A. Vuckovic, M. Vidalina, M. Masic - Influence of spatial dispersion on properties of waveguide filled with wire media – an experimental investigation
12:15 -
K. Guven, A.O. Cakmak, M.D. Caliskan, E. Ozbay - Negative refraction and negative phase velocity through cutwire/wire based metamaterial
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12:30 |
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14:00 |
Posters (I)
Chairmen: Jan Machac, Andrea Alù
G.A. Kraftmakher, V.S. Butylkin - Appearance and increase of resonant nonreciprocal microwave response of wave-guiding chiro-ferrite-metastructures
V.S. Butylkin, G.A. Kraftmakher - Left- and right-handed pass-bands of bianisotropic and waveguide-bianisotropic metamaterials with gratings of double split rings
L. Akhoondzadeh-Asl, P.S. Hall - Element shape effect on the behaviour of artificial magnetic conductors
A. Rumberg, M. Berroth - Negative refractive index in stacked conventional structured printed circuit board material
P.Y. Chen, S.C. Wu, Y.C. Chen - Periodic porous-nanostructured left-handed material slab at optical frequencies
S.E. Bankov, M.D. Duplenkova - Waveguide components on the base of two-dimensional EBG structure
D.C. Skigin, R.A. Depine - Resonant and dynamical properties of compound gratings with metamaterials
J. Hao, Y. Yuan, L. Ran, T. Jiang, J.A. Kong, L. Zhou, C.T. Chan - Manipulating photon polarizations by anisotropic metamaterials
L.H. Moustafa, B. Jecko - Design of a broadband EBG resonator antenna using dual-resonant FSS
H. Mosallaei, A. Ahmadi - Electric and magnetic dipole moments of dielectric resonators: an all-dielectric metamaterial design
R. Brazis, V. Kazakevicius, R. Narkovic; - Single split-ring resonators and metamaterials
Q. Wu, H.-L. Wang, J. Wu, L.-W. Li - Investigation on the electric line source illumination of a lossless metamaterial covered dielectric cylinder
R. Kushal - Effect of variable MgO and Fe2O3 doping on structural, electrical and thermal properties of PZT (PbZr0.7Ti0.3O3 ) nano-ceramics derived by Sol-Gel technology
S.A. Nikitov, Yu.K. Chamorovskii, E.A. Nekrashevich, M.V. Ryabko, V.A. Isaev - Polarization mode dispersion in holey fibers with two side holes
Z. Wang, Z. Zhang, X. Wang, S. Qin - Wave-absorbing property of an absorber with LHM and RHM structure
J. Shi, Z. Wang, Z. Zhang, X. Wang, S. Qin - Theoretical research on a LHM & RHM composed wave-absorber
A. Martinez, R. Ortuno, J. Marti - Subwavelength imaging by a negative-index photonic-crystal slab: role of the thickness and surface cut
J. Herrmann, I. Babushkin, A. Husakou - Supercontinuum generation in a nanowaveguide with slow nonlinearity
Yu.S. Dadoenkova, I.L. Lyubchanskii, Y.P. Lee, A. Lakhtakia - Brewster and pseudo-Brewster angles for bigyrotropic negative magnetic materials
G. Goussetis - Generalized scattering matrix of discontinuities embedded in electromagnetic band gap transmission lines
M.L. Shendeleva - Imaging through a negative-index slab with the use of ray tracing
C.-S. Kee, S. Kim, J. Lee, J.-E. Kim, H.Y. Park - Novel properties of six-fold symmetric photonic quasi-crystal fibers
C.M.J. Wijers, O. Voskoboynikov - Magneto-optical properties of layers of quantum dot molecules
M.-S. Wu, S.-G. Mao - Dispersion characteristics of compact composite right/left-handed and electromagnetic bandgap coplanar waveguide stubs
A.N. Gruzintsev, A.N. Redkin, Z.I. Makovey, E.E. Yakimov, C. Barthou, G.A. Emelchenko - Fabrication of the ZnO vertical nanorod arrays and their random lasing
G.A. Emelchenko, V.M. Masalov, M. Romanelli, A. Maître, C. Barthou, P. Benalloul, A.N. Gruzintsev, E.E. Yakimov - Angle-resolved self-activated luminescence of 3D photonic crystals opals
A. Alden, P. Bouliane, M. Zhang - A controllable resistance sheet using rectifying diodes
A.E. Serebryannikov, T. Magath - Applying fast coupled-integral-equations technique to photonic crystals and metamaterial gratings
F. Frezza, L. Pajewski, C. Ponti, G. Schettini - Band properties and directivity enhancement in 3D electromagnetic crystals for antenna applications
D. Draskovic, D. Budimir - Composite right/left handed coupler and its application to WiMAX power amplifiers
O.N. Kozina, L.A. Melnikov - Axial and off-axial laser effect in 1D photonic crystal with active layers
A.V. Ivanov, A.N. Shalygin, V.Yu. Galkin, A.V. Vedyayev, V.A. Ivanov - Optical Magnus effect in tunable metamaterials fabricated from amorphous ferromagnetic microwires
S. Simion, G. Sajin, R. Marcelli, G. Bartolucci, F. Craciunoiu - Silicon CPW composite right/left-handed coupled lines directional coupler
S. Simion, G. Sajin, R. Marcelli, F. Craciunoiu - CPW composite right/left-handed zeroth-order resonance antenna on silicon substrate
M.V. Golovkina - Two-layered waveguide containing a negative index material slab with resistive film
E.J. Sartori, H.E. Hernandez-Figueroa, J.E. Bertuzzo - Metamaterial behaviour of low cost PVC dielectric grids
A. Sanada - Negative refractive index media of infinte metallic wire array
A.A. Bulgakov, O.V. Shramkova - Three-wave interaction of electromagnetic and plasma waves in the layered semiconductor structures
S.A. Matos, C.R. Paiva, A.M. Barbosa - A coordinate-free approach to a pseudochiral omega medium
O. Takayama, L.-C. Crasovan, D. Artigas, S.K. Johansen, D. Mihalache, L. Torner - Excitation of Dyakonov surface wave in the Kretschmann cofiguration
T. Sengor - Possibilities creating higher chirality with a new metamaterial element
O. Karabasoglu, G. Kiziltas - Design optimization of artificial magneto-dielectrics for RF applications
M. Iwanaga - Effective magnetic response at visible frequency in stratified metal-dielectric metamaterials
K. Sakoda - Study on scaling law of the Menger sponge by LCAO approximation
S.K Ghosh, A. Ghosh - Study and development of diamagnetic ferrite substrate as magnetic super conducting substrate & core element at room temperature in an inhomogeneous magnetic field
G. Monti, L. Tarricone - Dispersion analysis of a metamaterial-loaded waveguide
C. Sibilia,A:MAndatori, V. Violante, E. Castagna, M. Bertolotti - Electromagnetic field behaviour at electrochemical interface of metallic electrodes
L. Crocco, F. Cuomo, T. Isernia - An effective generalized scattering matrix method for the characterization of 2D photonic crystals
F. Aznar, J. Garcia-Garcia, M. Gil, J. Bonache, F. Martin - Considerations for the miniaturization of electromagnetic resonators for metamaterial and LHM design
A. Anan'ev, A. Lipovskii, L. Maksimov, V. Polukhin, D. Tagantsev, B. Tatarintsev - Solid band gap photonic crystal fibers: design, materials, technology
G.C. Vietti Colome, L. Matekovits, M. Orefice - The effect of transverse periodicity in a modulated microstrip line
R. Karimzadeh Baee, G. Dadashzadeh, F. Geran Kharakhili - An equivalent circuit model for CSRR and using of its in size reduction of microstrip antenna
M.A. Abdalla, Z. Hu - A nonreciprocal left handed coplanar waveguide on ferrite substrate with only shunt inductive load
F.J. Herraiz-Martinez, V. Gonzalez-Posadas, D. Segovia-Vargas - Compact dual-mode and triple-frequency circular patch antenna based on metamaterial structures
M. Plesa, R. Cret, L. Cret, D. Duma - Numerical calculus of binary dielectric mixtures permittivity with inclusions of different geometrical shapes and sizes
A.F. Konstantinova, K.K. Konstantinov, V.V. Filippov, E.A. Evdishchenko, K.B. Imangazieva - Propagation of electromagnetic waves in layered anisotropic media
P.V. Dolganov, V.M. Masalov, E.N. Samarov, V.K. Dolganov, G.A. Emelchenko - Optical properties and band structure of opal and blue phase photonic crystals
C. Du, J. Ma, X. Luo - Surface plasmon modes from a hybrid metallic nanostructure array
X. Luo, J. Ma, C. Du - Light diffraction from grating like surfaces
N.Yu. Medvedeva, O.G. Vendik, S.P. Zubko - Modeling and characterization of structures containing spherical or ellipsoidal ferroelectric inclusions
S. Arslanagic, R.W. Ziolkowski, O. Breinbjerg - Radiation Properties of concentric metamaterial spheres excited by an electric hertzian dipole
I.A. Ibraheem, J. Schoebel, M. Koch - Group delay in coplanar waveguide left-handed media
M.C. Larciprete, A. Belardini, M. Centini, E. Fazio, C. Sibilia, M. Cappeddu, D. de Ceglia, M. Scalora, M. Bloemer, - Second harmonic generation from metallo-dielectric multilayer structures
A. Gopinath, N.-N. Feng, M.L. Brongersma, L. Dal Negro - Collective plasmon resonances and field enhancement in two-dimensional aperiodic arrays of metal nanoparticles
A.V. Akimov, A.A. Meluchev, D.A. Kurdyukov, A.V. Scherbakov, A. Holst, V.G. Golubev - Optical reflection and diffraction in opal-metal composites
A.A Bulgakov, V.K. Kononenko, O.V. Kostylyova - The external fields influence on the properties of the waveguide between two periodic layered structures
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15:00 |
Sessions 5
Special session: Quasicrystals (III):
Chairmen: Stefan Enoch, Vincenzo Galdi, Filippo Capolino
15:00 -
H. Giessen, Ch. Bauer, D. Nau - Disordered and quasicrystalline metallic photonic crystals (invited)
15:30 -
M. Hangyo, K. Takano, F. Miyamaru, H. Miyazaki - Resonant terahertz transmission through Penrose metal hole arrays (invited)
16:00 -
F.J. Garcia-Vidal, J. Bravo-Abad, A.I. Fernandez-Dominguez, L. Martin-Moreno - Theory of extraordinary optical transmission through quasi-periodic arrays of subwavelength holes (invited)
Cloaking and field transformations (I):
Chairmen: Viktor Veselago, Piergiorgio Uslenghi
15:00 -
S.A. Tretyakov, I.S. Nefedov - Field-transforming metamaterials (invited)
15:30 -
U. Leonhardt, T.G. Philbin - General relativity in electrical engineering (invited)
16:00 -
A. Alu, N. Engheta - Dispersion characteristics of metamaterial cloaking structures
16:15 -
P.L.E. Uslenghi - Invisible metamaterial trenches
Metamaterials and antennas (III):
Chairmen: Ramon Gonzalo, Vladimir Podlozny
15:00 -
S. Paulotto, P. Baccarelli, F. Frezza, D.R. Jackson - Full-wave dispersion analysis and broadside optimization for the microstrip CRLH leaky-wave antenna
15:15 -
F. Bilotti, C. Vegni - Design of metamaterial based patch antennas with reduced back-radiation for radio navigation systems
15:30 -
H.J. Lee, R.J. Langley, K.L. Ford - Tunable active EBGs
15:45 -
G. Lovat, P. Burghignoli, F. Capolino, D.R. Jackson, D.R. Wilton - Directive radiation from grounded wire-medium slabs covered with metal strip gratings
16:00 -
M. Schuehler, R. Wansch, M.A. Hein - A design formulation of a periodic high-impedance surface for a miniaturised antenna array
16:15 -
P.Y. Chen, S.C. Wu, J.H. Tsai - Band-notched UWB monopole planar antenna with split-ring resonator
Negative index metamaterials in optics:
Chairmen: Nikolay Zheludev, Costas Soukoulis
15:00 -
S. Linden, G. Dolling, N. Feth, M. Decker, C.M. Soukoulis, M. Wegener - Photonic metamaterials: artificial magnetism, negative refraction, and circular dichroism at optical frequencies (invited)
15:30 -
C. Garcia-Meca, R. Ortuno, R. Salvador, A. Martinez, J. Marti - Low-loss single-layer metamaterial with negative index of refraction at visible frequencies
15:45 -
K.L. Tsakmakidis, O. Hess - Efficient slow light in adiabatically tapered left-handed waveguides
16:00 -
Y.-G. Roh, Y. Segawa, S.G. Tikhodeev, T. Ishihara - Photo-induced voltage in perforated metal-dielectric-metal layered structures
16:15 -
A.-G. Kussow, A. Akyurtlu, A. Semichaevsky, N. Angkawisittpan - Superconductor-based optically isotropic negative refraction index metamaterial at visible frequencies
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16:30 |
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17:00 |
Sessions 6
Homogenization of metamaterials:
Chairmen: Said Zouhdi, Lucio Vegni
17:00 -
F. Capolino, D.R. Wilton, D.R. Jackson, J. Chen, C. Craeye, W.A. Johnson, L. Basilio - Numerical methods for analyzing periodic metamaterials (invited)
17:30 -
A. Sihvola - Six-dimensional view of dielectric mixtures as metamaterials (invited)
18:00 -
A. Bossavit - Frequency-dependent homogenization: application to metamaterials (invited)
18:30 -
I. Huynen, X.Radu, S.Massaoudi, F. Capolino, C. Craeye - Investigation of coupling effects in SNG metamaterial based on spiral particles (invited)
Subwavelength imaging:
Chairmen: George Eleftheriades, Pavel Belov
17:00 -
R. Marques, M.J. Freire - Magnetoinductive lenses: basic principles and future trends (invited)
17:30 -
E. Shamonina - Near field imaging with metamaterials (invited)
18:00 -
Y. Zhao, P.A. Belov, Y. Hao - Amplification of evanescent spatial harmonics and subwavelength imaging inside of a wire medium slab
18:15 -
M.G. Silveirinha, P.A. Belov, C. Simovsky - Subwavelength imaging at infrared frequencies using an array of metallic nanorods
18:30 -
G. D'Aguanno, M.J. Bloemer, N. Mattiucci, M. Scalora, D. de Ceglia, N. Akozbek - Broadband super-resolution and energy transport in a metallo-dielectric lens
Enhanced transmission:
Chairmen: Mario Sorolla, Masaya Notomi
17:00 -
L. Martin-Moreno - Optical properties of subwavelength holes in metal films: finite size effects (invited)
17:30 -
M. Gorkunov, B. Sturman, E. Podivilov - Eigenmodes of metal-dielectric structures and transmission through subwavelength slits
17:45 -
Y.M. Strelniker, D.J. Bergman, D.G. Stroud - Control of extraordinary transmission of light through nanohole arrays in metal films
18:00 -
M.G. Silveirinha, N. Engheta - Squeezing obliquely-incident electromagnetic waves through subwavelength regions or openings using epsilon-near-zero (ENZ) materials
18:15 -
M. Beruete, M. Navarro-Cia, M. Sorolla - Low-loss and miniaturized extraordinary transmission metamaterial
18:30 -
S.M. Kachan, A.N. Ponyavina - Enhanced resonance transmission of light through a dense layer of large noble-metal nanoparticles
18:45 -
D.R. Jackson, A.A. Oliner, J. Chen, F. Capolino, R. Qiang, G. Lovat, P. Burghignoli, D.R. Wilton - Plasmonic leaky-wave propagation and radiation on periodic silver films at optical frequencies
FSS and guiding structures:
Chairmen: Laszlo Solymar, Silvio Hrabar
17:00 -
F. Bilotti, S.E. Lauro, A. Toscano, L. Vegni - Design of ENG loaded coupled microstriplines with very high and very low coupling values (invited)
17:30 -
S. Hrabar, D. Zaluski - Subwavelength guiding of electromagnetic energy in structures based on anisotropic SNG metamaterials (invited)
18:00 -
D.H. Werner - Applications of frequency selevtive surfaces in the design of metamaterials (invited)
18:30 -
I. Puscasu, A. Shah, A. Greenwald, E. Johnson, W. Schaich - Hybrid FSS for resonant narrow band IR emission: A new generation of infrared sources and spectroscopic sensors
18:45 -
A. Di Falco, C. Conti, S. Trillo - Slow light tunneling of X waves through a stopband
Wednesday 24 October
N | Time | Description |
18 |
08:30 |
Sessions 7
Cloaking and field transformations (II):
Chairman: Ulf Leonhardt
08:30 -
R.C. McPhedran, G.W. Milton, N.A. Nicorovici, L.C. Botten - External cloaking through plasmonic resonance (invited)
09:00 -
N. Engheta, A. Alu, M. Silveirinha, J. Li, A. Salandrino, B. Edwards - Metamaterial plasmonics for optical nanocircuits, cloaking, squeezing energy, and supermicroscopy (invited)
09:30 -
C. W. Qiu, L.-W. Li, S. Zouhdi - Study of cloakings on cylindrical scatterers: rotation effects, resonant scattering, and resonance shifts (invited)
10:00 -
M. Lassas - Invisibility cloaking and inverse problems
Focused session: Metasurfaces, metaboundaries and enhanced transmission (I):
Chairman: Gennady Shvets
08:30 -
I.S. Nefedov - Surface waves in a magnetized ferrite slab filled with wire media (invited)
09:00 -
M. Sorolla, M. Beruete, M. Navarro, I. Campillo - Left-handed propagation and beaming in stacked subwavelength hole arrays (invited)
09:30 -
V.A. Fedotov , E. Plum, A.S. Schwanecke, Y. Chen, V.V. Khardikov, S.L. Prosvirnin, N.I. Zheludev - Planar and layered chiral meta-surfaces (invited)
10:00 -
G. Shvets, D. Korobkin, Y.A. Urzhumov, B. Neuner III - Extraordinary transmission and absorption in hole arrays mediated by surface phonon polaritons (invited)
Focused session: Effective material parameters and role of disorder in metamaterials (I):
Chairmen: Harald Giessen, Keith Whites
08:30 -
I. Bogaert, F. Olyslager - Exact full-wave simulation of finite pieces of metamaterials and extraction of effective material parameters (invited)
09:00 -
P. Ikonen, E. Saenz, R. Gonzalo, C. Simovski, S. Tretyakov - Mesoscopic ``effective material parameters'' for single and double grids of loaded wires describing
09:15 -
J. Zehentner, J. Machac - Volumetric single negative metamaterials (invited)
09:45 -
B. Glover , K. Kirschenmann, K.W. Whites - Engineering R-card surface resistivity with printed metallic patterns
10:00 -
S.G. Tikhodeev - Effective epsilon and mu from the general scattering matrix of a metamaterial slab (invited)
Nonlinear metamaterials (I):
Chairman: Michael Scalora
08:30 -
C. Caloz, S. Gupta - Dispersion and nonlinearity engineered metamaterial devices (invited)
09:00 -
D. Lippens - Static and dynamic control of metamaterials by ferroelectrics and active devices (invited)
09:30 -
M. Scalora - Nonlinear pulse propagation in metamaterials: solitons, gap solitons, and the influence of phase matching on pulsed sec-
ond and third harmonic generation. (invited)
10:00 -
O. Sydoruk, V. Kalinin, E. Shamonina, L. Solymar - Parametric amplification of magnetoinductive waves under rotational resonance
10:15 -
J. Carbonell, G. Houzet, C. Croenne, E. Lheurette, V. Boria, D. Lippens - Non linear frequency and space selective metamaterials
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10:30 |
20 |
11:00 |
Sessions 8
Focused session: Metasurfaces, metaboundaries and enhanced transmission (II):
Chairman: Gennady Shvets
11:00 -
P.-S. Kildal - Bandgaps and cloaks using soft and hard surfaces (invited)
11:30 -
T.A. Leskova, A.A. Maradudin, E.R. Mendez - Structured surfaces as optical metamaterials (invited)
12:00 -
F. Caminita, M. Nannetti, S. Maci - Holographic metasurfaces realized by curvilinear strip gratings (invited)
Focused session: Effective material parameters and role of disorder in metamaterials (II):
Chairmen: Harald Giessen, Keith Whites
11:00 -
C. Rockstuhl, T. Zentgraf, T.P. Meyrath, H. Giessen, T. Pertsch, F. Lederer - Metamaterials - from thin film to bulk
11:15 -
A.N. Lagarkov, V.N. Kisel - Near perfect absorption by the use of metamaterials (invited)
11:45 -
D.A. Powell, I.V. Shadrivov, S.K. Morrison, G.N. Milford, Y.S. Kivshar - Mechanical tuning and superlattice structures in metamaterials
12:00 -
D.S. Wiersma - The physics and applications of random lasers (invited)
Nonlinear metamaterials (II):
Chairmen: Mikhail Lapine, Allan Boardman
11:00 -
A.V. Zayats - Nonlinear plasmonic metamaterials (invited)
11:30 -
A.D. Boardman, N. King, Yu. Rapoport - Towards gain control and diffraction-managed solitons in metamaterials (invited)
12:00 -
M. Kauranen, B.K. Canfield, H. Husu, J. Laukkanen, B. Bai, M. Kuittinen, J. Turunen - The role of local field asymmetry in second-harmonic generation from T-shaped gold nanodimers
12:15 -
J. Herrmann, A. Husakou - Highly nonlinear, bistable transmission of light through a metal-dielectric nanostructure
EBG and photonic crystals (II):
Chairmen: Dorota Anna Pawlak, Alessandro Toscano
11:00 -
F. Chiadini, V. Fiumara, I. Gallina, I.M. Pinto, A. Scaglione - Filtering properties of periodic and fractal 1-D EBG multilayers (invited)
11:30 -
L. Inclan-Sanchez, J.-L. Vazquez-Roy, E. Rajo-Iglesias - Characterization of new compact filter based on EBG resonators
11:45 -
S.A. Nikitov, S.E. Bankov - Magnetostatic bandgap structures based on periodic arrays of slots and strips
12:00 -
S. Hache, S.N. Burokur, F. Gadot, A. de Lustrac, P. Cailleu, G.-P. Piau - Controllable spherical radome in X band using electromagnetic band gap material
12:15 -
L.M. Lytvynenko, S.L. Prosvirnin - Wave reflection by a periodic layered metamaterial
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12:30 |
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14:00 |
Posters (II)
Chairmen: Maria Kafesaki, Orest Vendik
N.-H. Shen, M. Kang, T. Lan, J. Chen, H.-T. Wang - Giant LS near the critical angle in a quasi-waveguide structure with a metamaterial embedding
O. Zhuromskyy, E. Shamonina, L. Solymar - Dipole waves on nanoparticles and magnetoinductive waves on capacitively loaded loops: Driven solutions
C. Croenne, J.M. Lerat, M.N. Mallejac, O. Acher, D. Lippens - Retrieval technique by field summation: application to double negative media
I. Vendik, I. Kolmakova - Design of stepped-impedance resonators based on a combination of right handed and left handed transmission lines
I.V. Semchenko, S.A. Khakhomov, A.P. Balmakov - Electromagnetic model of DNA: observation of polarization selectivity of radiation
A.M. Lerer, M.I. Mazuritsky, V.V. Makhno, P.V. Makhno - Theoretical investigation of propagation and emission of CuKa radiation from planar X-ray waveguide's aperture
B. Sauviac, S. Nemer, B. Bayard, T. Rouiller - S-Spirals particles for metamaterials applications
A.-G. Kussow, A. Akyurtlu - Negative index of refraction metamaterial in the optical regime with randomly distributed nanoparticles
G. Ruvio, M.J. Ammann - Radial EBG mushroom-like structures for enhancing axial-ratio performance of CP antennas
G. Lubkowski, F. Hirtenfelder, R. Schuhmann, T. Weiland - 3D Full-wave field simulations of double negative metamaterial macrostructures
T. Rouiller, B. Sauviac, E. Verney, G. Noyel - Benefit of a magnetic wall on anisotropic ferrite components
B. Bandlow, R. Schuhmann - Analysis of higher order modes in the design of metamaterials by the use of periodic unit cells
T.V. Teperik, F.J.G. de Abajo - Spatial transfer of optical evanescent field by a photonic crystal slab: towards a remote biosensing device
A.G. Zhdanov, A.A. Fedyanin, A.V. Baryshev, A.B. Khanikaev, H. Uchida, M. Inoue - Two-dimensional plasmon-assisted magnetophotonic crystals
R. Sainidou, V. Teperik, F.J.G. de Abajo - Optical switching through nonlinearity of nanoparticle arrays
S.G. Moiseev, S.V. Sukhov - Optical transparency of composite medium with dissipative and active components
A.M. Lerer, D.E. Zelenchuk, V.V. Makhno, P.V. Makhno, I.A. Kazmin - Theoretical modeling of enhanced optical transmission through doubly periodic metallic nanostructures
C. Rockstuhl, T. Zentgraf, T.P. Meyrath, H. Giessen, T. Pertsch, F. Lederer - Nanoaperture based metamaterials
C. Rockstuhl, F. Lederer - Three-dimensional random photonic materials
F. Durbin, T. Lagutere, J. Russat, J.-M. Lerat - A variational approach to the determination of metamaterials model parameters
S.P. Boruhovich - Chirality measure model for two- and three-dimensional metamaterials
A.A. Onushchenko, V.V. Golubkov , V.P. Shepilov, A.A. Zhilin - Structural features of nano-scaled metamaterials containing PbS nanocrystals
K. Postava, M. Foldyna, R. Ossikovski, A. De Martino, S. Veremieiev, J. Pistora - Effective medium description of nanogratings with general anisotropy
S. Veremieiev, K. Postava, A. Timofieiev, J. Bouchala, J. Pistora - Optical properties of inhomogeneous materials consisting of superspherical particles
A. Kafaratzis, Z. Hu - Envelope solitons in nonlinear left handed transmission lines
A. Maidikovski, J. Yongseok, S. Magnitskiy, N. Nagorsky, A. Ejov, F. Sychev - Nonlinear optical microscopy of porous silicon layers
A. Jooß, H. Hohnle, H. Kumric, W. Kasparek, U. Stroth - Plasma as a medium in metamaterials
R.H. Tarkhanyan, D.G. Niarchos - Negative refraction of electromagnetic waves in birefringent periodic multilayered nanostructures
K. Aydin, E. Ozbay - Influence of disorders on transmission and reflection characteristics of microwave metamaterials
H. Kettunen, H. Wallen, A. Sihvola - Electric response of a small negative-permittivity hemisphere
R. Yusoff, K. Hingerl - Electromagnetic propagation of conducting polymer/Ag/dielectric-material interface
A.M. Lerer, V.V. Makhno, P.V. Makhno, A.A. Yachmenov - The investigation of metallic nanostructures using the method of approximate boundary conditions
A.B. Evlyukhin - Micro-optical devices for surface plasmon polaritons on the base of nanoparticle structures
R. Vlokh, O. Krupych, Yu. Vasylkiv, D. Adamenko, O.G. Vlokh - Small-angular polarimetric magnetooptical mapping and the problem of magnetogyration
G. Guida, J.J. Bonnefois, A. Priou - Effect of two photon absorption on Kerr nonlinear photonic band gap materials
Z. Li, E. Ozbay, H. Chen, J. Chen, F. Yang, H. Zheng - A compact and efficient antireflection structure designed for two- dimensional photonic crystals by an effective immittance method
P.J. Ferrer, J.M. Gonzalez-Arbesu, J. Romeu - Metamaterial slabs with double side PMC response
C.-Y. Wu, S.-H. Yeh, H.-H. Lin - High gain metamaterial antenna radome for 2.5-GHz band WiMAX operation
P. Colman, L. Santandrea, O. Ouchetto, S.Zouhdi - Parallel computing for metamaterials modelling
M.G. Banciu, N. Militaru, G. Lojewski - Compact planar microwave devices by using metamaterials
A.A. Radkovskaya, F. Hesmer, E. Tatartschuk, O. Zhuromskyy, M. Shamonin, T. Hao, C.J. Stevens, G. Faulkner, D.J. Edwards, E. Shamonina, L. Solymar - Electric and magnetic contributions to the near field coupling between resonators of the split ring type
A. Monorchio, S. Genovesi, E. Carrubba, G. Manara - Design of printed FSS for compact and bandwidth-enhanced metasurfaces
B. Kante, S.N. Burokur, A. Ourir, A. de Lustrac - Left-handed asymmetric monolayer metamaterial under normal-to-plane propagation
G. Brucoli, L. Martin-Moreno, S.I. Bozhevolnyi, F.J Garcia-Vidal, A.B. Evlyukhin - Surface plasmon polariton scattering by finite-sized nano-objects
A. Monorchio, E. Carrubba, G. Manara - Design of a metamaterial superstrate for enhancing directivity of low-profile antennas
B. Kante, S.N. Burokur, F. Gadot, A. de Lustrac - New design of double negative metamaterial for IR wavelengths
C. Kossiavas, J. Dubard - Optimization of an artificial magnetic conductor for the design of wide band ultra compact antennas
Y. Qin, R. Liu, Q. Cheng, W. Tang, T. Cui - Novel bandstop filtering waveguide based on complimentary split ring resonators
W. Abdouni, A.-C. Tarot, E. Akmansoy, S. David, A Sharaiha - Miniaturized patch antenna on an artificial magnetic substrate
P.A. Belov, S. Tse, Y. Zhao, Y. Hao - Transmission of images into far-field-zone with subwavelength resolution
W. Khunsin, G. Kocher, S.G. Romanov, C.M. Sotomayor Torres - Noise effect: Crystalline ordering improvement in the fabrication of self-assemble photonic crystals
M. Bergmair, K. Hingerl - Band structure and coupled surface plasmons in onedimensional, frequency dependent photonic crystals
M.C. Martin, Z. Hao, B. Harteneck, A. Liddle, S. Cabrini, W. Padilla - Strong broadband near-IR resonances observed from nano-lithographically fabricated metallic metamaterials
P. Melezhik, A. Poyedinchuk, N. Yashina, G. Granet, S.Tretyakov - Resonance scattering of electromagnetic wave by the layer of metamaterial with periodic boundaries or with grating
K. Moon, M. Cho, J. Kim, S. Lee, S. Kim, I. Park, H. Han - Nearly flat impurity bands of photonic crystals with periodic vacancy defects
D.A. Pawlak, K. Kolodziejak, K. Rozniatowski, R. Diduszko, I. Vendik, K. Aydin, E. Ozbay - TiO2-SrTiO3 eutectic with ferroelectric phase– growth and characterization
D. Dubreuil, P. Coleman, M. Pate , J.-P. Ganne - Studies of metal-dielectric periodic structures in the diffraction regime: modelling and measurements
K. Kurihara, M. Ishii, T. Shioga, J. Baniecki, K. Yamanaka - Doping effects on the electric properties of (Ba,Sr)TiO3 tunable thin film capacitors
V.N. Kisel - Antenna screen design based on the use of metafilms
O. Kuvandikov - Fractals in magnetic and meta materials
T. Sengor - Properties of a non-planar metamaterial elements: ring resonators on a spherical substrate
T.F. Gundogdu, N. Katsarakis, M. Kafesaki, G. Konstantinidis, A. Kostopoulos , E.N. Economou, C.M. Soukoulis - Left-handed behaviour in multilayer system of short-slab pairs and continuous wires at ~3 THz
K.B. Alici, F. Bilotti, E. Ozbay - Experimental demonstration of metamaterial loaded antennas
R. Qiang, J. Chen, F. Capolino, D. Jackson, D.R. Wilton - The ASM-FDTD method and its application to PBG structures, metamaterials, and plasmonic structures
M. Gorkunov, M. Osipov - Electrical tunability of wire medium immersed in liquid crystal
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15:00 |
Sessions 9
Focused session: Modelling, fabrication and characterisation techniques for plasmonics and metamaterials (I):
Chairman: Didier Lippens
15:00 -
W.J. Padilla, J.F. O'Hara, H.-T. Chen, J.M.O. Zide, A.C. Gossard, C. Highstrete, M. Lee, A.J. Taylor, R.D. Averitt - The emergence of metamaterial devices: applications at terahertz frequencies (invited)
15:30 -
R.W. Ziolkowski, A. Erentok, J.A. Gordon - Active metamaterials: Applications from broad bandwidth efficient electrically-small antennas to coated nano-particle lasers (invited)
16:00 -
M. Gil, J. Bonache, J. Garcia-Garcia, F. Martin - Composite right/left handed (CRLH) transmission lines based on complementary split rings resonators (CSRRs) and applications (invited)
Special session: Analysis and synthesis of metamaterials using numerical modeling (I):
Chairmen: Raj Mittra, Yang Hao
15:00 -
A. Rahman, Y. Hao, C.G. Parini - On the synthesis of CRLH-TL based leaky wave antennas (invited)
15:30 -
X. Radu , X. Dardenne, C. Craeye - Efficient analysis of the canalization effect obtained with a Fabry-Perot wire medium (invited)
16:00 -
C. Amabile, F. Costa, A. Monorchio, E. Prati - Analysis and design of coupled frequency selective surfaces as a novel kind of waveguide filter (invited)
High impedance surfaces and thin layers:
Chairmen: Vasundara Varadan, Alexei Vinogradov
15:00 -
A. Monorchio, F. Costa, G. Manara - Enhancing bandwidth of ultra-thin absorbers by using resistive high-impedance surfaces (invited)
15:30 -
D. Chicherin, S. Dudorov, D. Lioubtchenko, V. Ovchinnikov, A.V. Raisanen - Characterisation and measurements of a multilayer high-impedance surface at W-band
15:45 -
E. Verney, S. Kirouane T. Rouiller, F. Gambou - Study of the influence of a layer of metamaterial over the performances of a coplanar isolator
16:00 -
G. Gampala, A.B. Yakovlev - Artificial magnetic conductors realized by wideband frequency selective surface elements on a grounded dielectric slab
16:15 -
S.A. Maksimenko, P.P. Kuzhir, K.G. Batrakov, A.V. Gusinski, V.V.Ruhavets, D.S. Bychanok, O. Shenderova, V.L. Kuznetsov, S.I. Moseenkov, A. Mayer, R. Langlet, Ph. Lambin - Electromagnetic response of nanocarbon-based composites to microwaves
Magnetic materials:
Chairmen: Ricardo Marques, Elena Semouchkina
15:00 -
A.G. Schuchinsky, X. Yan - Effect of loss on spectra and properties of eigenwaves in imperfect metal films and magnetised semiconductor-dielectric structures (invited)
15:30 -
G. Donzelli, F. Capolino, A. Schuchinsky - Anisotropic metamaterial in planar technology: Phenomena, model, and particle resonances
15:45 -
S.A. Nikitov, Yu.A. Filimonov, I.V. Lisenkov, R.S. Popov, S.L. Vysotskii - Review on magnonic and phononic crystals
16:00 -
C. Mitsumata, S. Tomita - Numerical calculation for magnetic permeability of ferromagnetic nanocomposites
16:15 -
J. Manzanares-Martinez, J. Gaspar-Armenta - Direct integration of the constitutive relations for modeling dispersive metamaterials using the finite difference time-domain technique
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16:30 |
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17:00 |
Sessions 10
Focused session: Modelling, fabrication and characterisation techniques for plasmonics and metamaterials (II):
Chairman: Didier Lippens
17:00 -
O. Acher, J.-M. Lerat, N. Mallejac - The field summation method: an efficient route to determine epsilon and mu on metamaterials (invited)
17:30 -
M. Lapine, M. Gorkunov - Nonlinear phenomena in metamaterials: from theory to applications (invited)
18:00 -
A.B. Kozyrev, D.W. van der Weide - Prospects for left-handed nonlinear transmission line media (invited)
Special session: Analysis and synthesis of metamaterials using numerical modeling (II):
Chairmen: Raj Mittra, Yang Hao
17:00 -
E. Semouchkina, M. Lanagan, G. Semouchkin, R. Mittra - Field simulation based analysis and development of metamaterial structures (invited)
17:30 -
R. Mittra, L.-C. Ma, N. Farahat - A case for rigorous numerical simulation to model antenna/metamaterial composites (invited)
18:00 -
S.A. Maier - Design of plasmonic THz metamaterials (invited)
Modelling, extraction and measurements:
Chairman: Constantin Simovski
17:00 -
V.V. Varadan - Extraction of metamaterial properties from measured S-parameters – effects of measurement accuracy, assumed constitutive models, periodicity and randomness (invited)
17:30 -
F. Bongard, J. Perruisseau-Carrier, A.K. Skrivervik, J.R. Mosig - A review on metamaterial activities at LEMA-EPFL (invited)
18:00 -
H. Maune, M. Schußler, A. Penirschke, C. Damm, R. Jakoby - Left-handed transmission line for permittivity measurements
18:15 -
M. Odit, I. Vendik, O. Vendik - 3D isotropic metamaterial based on dielectric resonant spheres
Educational aspects of metamaterials:
Chairmen: Ekaterina Shamonina, Ekmel Ozbay
17:00 -
T.F. Krauss - Metamaterials and photonic crystals: Analogies and differences (invited)
17:30 -
V.G. Veselago - Negative refraction as a source of some educational problems
17:45 -
P. Alitalo, L. Jylha, A. Karttunen, O. Luukkonen, G. Molera, H. Rimminen, M. Vaaja, J. Venermo, V. Podlozny, A. Sihvola, S. Tretyakov, H. Wallen - Realization of an electromagnetic invisibility cloak by transmission-line networks
18:00 -
M. Asghar, I. Hakala, J. Jantunen, H. Kettunen, J. Qi, A. Varpula, K. Güven, I.V. Semchenko, S.A. Khakhomov, R. Gonzalo, E. Ozbay, V. Podlozny, A. Sihvola, S. Tretyakov, H. Wallen - Electromagnetic cloaking with a mixture of spiral inclusions
18:15 -
E.U. Arzikulov - On a method of teaching the principles of metamaterials in the educational sphere of the Republic of Uzbekistan
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18:30 |
Closing ceremony