Joomla! powered SiteJoomla! site syndicationhttp://congress2007.metamorphose-vi.org2010-11-04T08:38:14+01:00FeedCreator 1.7.2ANNOUNCEMENT2004-08-09T08:30:34+01:002004-08-09T08:30:34+01:002004-08-09T08:30:34+01:00 METAMATERIALS'07 22-26 October 2007, Rome, Italy Let us know your opinion/recomendations about Metamaterials-2007 Congress >>> ( task=blogsection id=14 Itemid=138) To download proceedings, please follow this Report on the Congress can be read here ( task=view id=110 Itemid=193) Our next Congress: two-day ( task=view id=48 Itemid=110)PhD school ( task=view id=48 Itemid=110). ( task=view id=48 Itemid=110) The Conference will cover a broad scope of topics ranging from the fundamental electromagnetic theory of metamaterials and complex electromagnetic media to novel types of microwave and optical devices and components. Special sessions will be devoted to applications of innovative materials, micro- and nanotechnologies, and new physical phenomena in wireless and optical communication systems, high-speed circuits, optical sensing, nanoscale imaging and photolithography. The meeting will provide a forum for: Stimulating exchange of the latest research results Development of new directions in theoretical and experimental research Fostering opportunities for research collaboration The event organized by the Virtual Institute for Artificial Electromagnetic Materials and Metamaterials - METAMORPHOSE VI AISBL ( will bring together and continue the traditions of the highly successful series of International Conferences on Complex Media and Metamaterials (Bianisotropics) and Rome International Workshops on Metamaterials and Special Materials for Electromagnetic Applications. Download 2nd Call for papers (updated 4.01.2007) Call4papers_21 (